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Sunday 14 August 2011

An evening at Dan Winter's Cottage

This is our second visit to Dan Winter's Cottage, but on this occasion it was to photograph an evening with a private lodge, the Cross of Saint Patrick, who were quests of Hilda Winter for the evening.  Proceedings were quite informal and consisted of a tour of the cottage, an informal talk about the cottage and the area and a social evening with supper being served.

In May this year I visited to undertake a series of photographs to show what the interior of Dan Wanter's Cottage has to offer the visitor, on this occasion it was quite different in that the cottage came alive when it was filled with people.

Hilda Winter with Ivan Castles (Worshipful Master of the lodge) and Gordon Lucy (Chaplain)

Lodge members and friends

The second cottage in family ownership, sadly not open to the public.

Anne Smyth signing Orange Ballots

Hilda presenting a certificate marking our visit.

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