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Tuesday 31 May 2011

Remembering Saint Patrick

Celebrating Ireland's national saint, St Patrick, is usually associated with Irish nationalism and republicanism.  But there are also many from the unionist tradition who also cherish the heritage of Patrick and the faith he proclaimed.  This blog is not intended as a history lesson about St Patrick but rather to show how St Patrick is remembered by the unionist tradition in Northern Ireland.

The Twelfth of July is not a date associated with St Patrick, however one Black Preceptory, the Royal Black Knights of Patrick, unfurled a new banner depicting St Patrick on Slemish Mounting where it is claimed he tended a herd of sheep.  There are various Orange lodges and Black preceptories who commemorate St Patrick.  These images simply demonstrate how one Black Preceptory chooses to remember St Patrick.

Friday 27 May 2011

Traditional Fifing in Ulster

My latest project involves photographically recording the process of manufacturing fifes.  Wilby Wilson from Larne is a skilled craftsman who takes great care in producing fifes and his fifes are in high demand from traditional fifers, both in Northern Ireland and overseas.

Ulster culture has a richness that has not been given the exposure that it deserves, I am indebted to the Ulster Scots Community Network who asked me to produce photographs for their new publication, so keep an eye out for the publication launch.

The photographs below are a small sample of what was photographed.

Monday 23 May 2011

Dan Winter's Cottage

Dan Winter's Cottage is located at the Diamond near the small town of Loughgall in County Armagh.  This small cottage museum is well worth a visit; run by Hilda Winter who has maintained the cottage in its original condition.  It is said to be the place where the decision was made to form the Orange Order in 1795 following the Battle of the Diamond.

The images below were taken for a project in connection with Belfast Exposed, and they convey the historic nature of the cottage and the great job that Hilda Winter has done in preserving a little bit of Ulster history.  I hope you like the images and perhaps at some point will find time to visit the cottage.

 I hope these initial images give you an impression of what the cottage has to offer the visitor and perhaps you will make a visit yourself at some time in the future.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Ulster American Folk Park

The Ulster American Folk Park near Omagh in County Tyrone is a great place for a day visit. Recounting the story of Ulster pioneers leaving for the 'new world', the various reconstructed dwellings provide the photographer with a feast of photographic opportunities.

Staff in period dress, a working blacksmith's workshop and many other features make this a very popular tourist attraction and ideal for then keen photographer.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Titanic Remembered

Anyone who has visited Belfast City Hall over the past number of weeks will not have failed to notice the large outdoor exhibition marking the 100th anniversary of the sinking of RMS Titanic.  The large outdoor exhibition panels are a great way to show case old photographs, or indeed any photographic display.

One sunny Saturday afternoon I visited the City Hall to make a photographic record of the exhibition.  Given the nature of the display I decided to make monochrome images to convey more of a reportage style.    The following images are the result of this visit, I hope you like them.